How to Build Calf Strength for Running and Hiking

Whether you have a history of ankle sprains or not, it’s important to have strong ankles and calves to prevent injury. When hiking, you travel over varying terrain, which means you need good ankle flexibility but also stability. When running, the power from your stride comes from your calf muscles, known [...]

How to Build Calf Strength for Running and Hiking2021-05-24T13:14:06-06:00

Two Exercises to Strengthen Your Core and Relieve Back Pain

Low back pain is so prominent in our society that it’s practically its own industry. For example, someone experiences a back injury, either at work or at home. Their first instinct is one of two options: either A) they go to the emergency room if it’s severe, or B) they visit [...]

Two Exercises to Strengthen Your Core and Relieve Back Pain2021-05-10T14:05:21-06:00

Strength Training for Women is Important to Protect Joints and Build Bone Density

It’s less common in the 21st century, but there used to be terminology out there discouraging women from lifting weights. Exercise program marketing would use words like “toned” or “firm” to target what they thought women wanted, while using lots of aerobics with very light weights. This contributed to the misnomer [...]

Strength Training for Women is Important to Protect Joints and Build Bone Density2021-04-20T08:54:45-06:00
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